S. Bant Singh Dult
Founder SUSGI
The Shaheed Udham Singh Education & Welfare Society (Regd.) V.P.O. Mehlan, has endeavored to run a group of institutions to impart professional education for the boys and girls of surrounding area. This area is backward in view of female education so the society has thrown its resources in field of education as per dreams of the martyr of this area Shaheed Udham Singh. In view of modern education SUS Group of Insititutions is providing education in every sphere of human life. The group is situated at Sunam-Patiala road in Mehlan and is 8 km. away from Sunam, 18 km. distance to Bhawanigarh, 12 km. from Dirba & 13 km. from Sangrur. We hope that very sensible people of the area will join this sacred effort and send their wards to the college for the better and prosperous future.
Raowinder Singh
Dear Parents and Students As the Director of SUS College, I would like to welcome you and your student to one of the fast developing colleges of the area. Choosing where to continue your education is a major decision and I believe that SUS College will be a choice you will not regret, especially if you are ambitious and determined to succeed. At SUS College we value every individual in our care and it is our aim to provide the best possible environment in which children can succeed. Our campus has grown from its inception in 2005 to accommodate almost 2000 students in first-class teaching facilities which are amidst beautifully kept grounds. We are fortunate to have a talented, highly committed teaching and support staff here to ensure the learning environment of our students in the best manner possible. SUS College encourages a three-way partnership between students, parents and the college. The strength of that partnership is reflected in the success of our students.
S. Kaur Singh Dult
Vice Chairman
I am proud to say that SUS group of institutions is a true nursery for young students. It is generally believed that the choice of a college hardly matters but SUS Colleges has proved that notion wrong. Now, I am convinced that the role of an institution cannot be denied. I, therefore think that the first step in education is the carefull selection of an institution. In this millenium, world is characterized by technology and constant change. In order to survive and perform sucessfully in the modern day competitive enviroment, we have to constantly adopt to innovation and be prepared to update knowledge and skills through continuous learning all the time. At Shaheed Udham Singh Group of Institutions, Mehlan Chowk, we produce professionals who have the optimum mix of attitude, skill, culture and knowledge to adopt themselves to the emerging trends with confidence and persue their chosen professions with comfort. It is our endeavor to ensure that every student's needs and expectations are fulfilled, thus enhancing the ability to acquire and apply knowledge. Our highly professional and dedicated faculty drawn from academia and industry possess impressive credentials, a missionary zeal in teaching and are involved in shaping careers at SUSGI. So, come and join our growing community of self-confident young scholars.
Why Choose SUSGI
Good value for money
The cost of living is significantly lower in the north of Punjab, which together with our very competitive tuition fees, provides students with the chance to gain an excellent education at a very affordable price.
A friendly and welcoming College
Our welcome programme helps you settle into your new life, original thoughts and much more. We ask you to arrive at Institute a few days before your course begins so that you can take part in the orientation programme, If you arrive after this date we will do our best to give you an individual introduction to the institute.
Comprehensive range of courses and subjects
SUS offers a unique mix of academic and vocational programmes. There is a wide range of A Level subjects to choose from, including commerce, humanities, science, As In most of these areas, courses are offered at a variety of different levels.
Enthusiastic, dedicated and well qualified teachers
Survey results show that the vast majority of our staff are happy to be working at SUS, and this is reflected in their dedication to create a first class learning experience for all their students. Our lecturers can take advantage of an ongoing Continuing Professional Development Programme which helps them to keep up-to date with teaching methods and technology.
Excellent examination results
The result of 2014-15 achieved an overall pass rate of 97.8% - the highest in the Institute history and above the national average of 97.5%. A level in Health and Social Care achieved a 100% pass rate in every year since it was introduced.
Ideally situated - easily accessible by air,rail and road
SUS central position makes it easy to reach by whatever means of transport you choose. There are several Bus Stands nearby, principally:- Sangrur (13 km) Sunam (8 km) Patiala (45 km) Patran (28 km)
Superb facilities - latest technology
SUS is a forward-looking institution which continually strives to update and improve its facilities..
Vision & Mission
Vision Better living for all sustainably Mission To define new directions, and make landmark contributions to the knowledge and understanding of the teaching, business and computer technologies of the Modern growth of human society.
Teacher's Name | Designation | Qualification | Join Date | Photo | Pay Scale | Bank Statement |
Name- | Designation | Qualification | Join Date | Photo | Pay Scale | Bank Statement |
Sr. No | Name | Father Name | Mother Name | Address | Class |